
How dangerous has the Rainbow flag become?

Bill C-4 has placed all our children in danger

A young 15-year-old boy was killed this week in Perth by an unnamed 16-year-old youth.

The info going around town is that a 16-year-old boy from a local high school who identifies as a girl and goes by the name of a white flower is the alleged killer. In addition, this troubled youth is known to engage in aggressive bully behaviors.

As of today, we know there were 3 youths who identify not as boys that were involved in this brutal and violent assault. However, only one has been charged and detained. The other two remain free.

Despite the pleadings by the parents over the last year to the school’s principal and teachers nothing was done.

Many people however, are unaware that this risk and danger will become far more commonplace mainly due to Bill C-4 that became law in December 2021 and was passed unanimously by all members of Parliament; Liberals, conservatives, NDP, Greens, & BQ.

This law compels healthcare professionals and educators not to help our youth who are suffering from a mental illness, but rather to affirm, embrace and accept the illness as a virtue.

Bill C-4 created four new Criminal Code offences including making it a crime punishable by up to five years in prison for people who oppose/obstruct a child’s gender transition.

But it is not just our elected members who are endangering children but also our local municipal governments, schools, Libraries, businesses, community groups, and even parents and grandparents who promote and attend these pride parades, Drag Queen story times and overt sexualization and exploitation of children.

Those who affirm and promote Trans mental illness as virtuous and "inclusive" are elevating the danger for all children.

My sincere condolences to the family of Reese and although I hope that people will begin to realize the dangers we are creating for all children-I doubt the woke, left wing Rainbow crowd will accept their culpability unless we all speak publicly and honestly.

Randy Hillier.