
Draining the swamp-Who will win the Race

Foreign interference or is is it Foreign cooperation?

This past week American voters came out in unprecedented numbers and created a Landslide victory for Donald Trump and his pledge to drain the swamp in Washington.

This Saturday thousands of Canadians are also coming out and joining Max Bernier and myself at a live SOLD-OUT event in Burlington Ontario. I will be livestreaming the event on my YouTube, Facebook and Twitter accounts for those who can’t attend.

Although, The USA main stream media and Deep State pulled out all the stops to convince American voters to stay with the status quo and that political change would be terrible; American voters found the strength to disregard the propaganda and fear.

Its time for Canadian voters to do the same and find the courage not to be sucked in to choosing another Lemon.

New Podcast- Is it foreign interference-or is it cooperation?”

We are getting great feedback on our new podcast -Canada, A user’s guide and owner’s manual. Attached is a short teaser video for this week’s episode “Is it Foreign interference-or is it cooperation?”

We have scheduled esteemed Canadian Law Professor Bruce Pardy on November 127th and Former Newfoundland Premier on November 25th to help Canadians learn about our Constitution, The rule of Law, Charter of Rights & Freedoms, the amending formulae and much more. I hope you can join us.

Foreign Interference

The last half of the show is devoted to answering your specific questions which you can share with us on the livestream or send them to me at www.RandyHillier.com

There is a rebirth of Faith, Family and Freedom underway in Canada.  

During my travels across Ontario, I’ve had the pleasure to meet a great many wonderful people and see the many new initiatives that have sprung up but unknown to many people. Churches and Co-ops that have now built and opened schools. Hundreds of local freedom/action groups who meet regular and help inform one another and network with other freedom minded people. Dr’s who are offering and expanding services away from the Big Pharma model and so much more. There is a rebirth of Faith, Family and freedom underway in Canada.  

If you or your group would like me to speak in your community, please contact me at info@randyhillier.com, and be sure to include your phone number. Feel free to share this email with your friends and encourage them to get involved.

A get away to Scuttlebutt Lodge

If you are looking for a getaway and would also like to support my efforts, book some time at Scuttlebutt Lodge, my camp in Lanark County. You can book online here.

Scuttlebutt Lodge is now available for rent to help you escape the madness we are all living in. Enjoy some peace and quiet in the beautiful Canadian backcountry of Lanark County. Stay in the 200-year-old log homestead with a maximum of four guests, no pets, and delight in the comforts of 1 queen sized bed, 1 double bed, indoor plumbing, hot water, shower, power, internet, and a full kitchen while being surrounded by 600 acres of bush and fields with 100s of lakes easily within reach. Park your car, bring your own food and drink, and enjoy a wonderful bonfire at night.

 Eat well, stay healthy and keep informed not entertained and I hope to see you soon at a town hall near you.

Randy Hillier-NoMoreLockdowns