Mr. Hobbs should be fired.

Rememberance Day is a day of solidarity for our freedom the fallen have given. This day is for thanks and rememberance of those who gave their lives no matter what gender. Children walk around today with the belief everything lasts forever and have never experienced the pain, loss of loved ones, total destruction of property, no food, disease, chaos. The utter madness of war and a society annihilated should wake these children up, but it won't, because they are ill prepared and will suffer the consequences. Survival is not a priority in this woke movement unlike the Scouting movement of survival training. Everyone knows that homosexuality has existed from the beginning of time but on the battlefield winning is the essence of survival. Death doesn't discriminate!

Mr. Hobbs should travel to an Islamic state or Jewish state and recommend that they say a prayer for our fallen and see how he'll be received. Woke minds don't exist there and Trudeau Wokism must be exorcised from our educational system so Canadian's can get back to reality.

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The Trans-issue is a dialectic. This means that it is not at all what it is presented to us as, not 'Trans affirming care', but an attack on our children, on the family and on freedom and liberty. The facts of Bill C-4 should make that plain.

In order to fight this thing, we have to know what it is.

I offer you this article and accompanying video.

For those concerned about the issue, it is most educational and goes a long way to knowing what we are seeing here, instead of seeing what the enemy wants us to know.


Article at RAIR


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Let me begin Randy by saying I’m quite “straight” and that it’s possibly dangerous to say this on your substack, but I’ve a lot of sympathy for Gays... Why? Because in Grade 8, the Fag Bashing started against me in earnest. All you have to do is be a little different. It was horrible. At 65 I carry the scars of that experience to this day.

That said, would people be so keen to support the Rainbow Flag if they truly understood what it actually symbolizes? Anal sex, oral sex, anonymous couplings in public toilet stalls, pederasty (ie, “grooming”) and pedophilia? These are not causes for celebration.

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I agree, but there is no danger for people commenting honestly on my posts.

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For awhile longer at least. Just wait till Castreau's "on-line harms" bill is passed...

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It is important to understand what the Q stands for in LGBTQ. Without that, there is only tilting at windmills, and ones made by enemies of all of us, straight or homosexual.

This helps a LOT


The T is another similar issue. Far more political than anything to do with natural sexuality, and furthermore, destructive in its intention and practice.

Also people who undergo cross-sex hormone therapy often suffer from homicidal ideation. In other words, vivid fantasies of killing people.

Here is Dr. Ann Gillies on this subject


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"He thinks he's a transsexual because he hates his own identity you see. But his pathology is a thousand times more savage and more terrifying."

– Hannibal Lecter MD

I've gathered something like 43% - 47% of the so-called "successfully transgendered" go on to committ suicide. That's some alternative lifestyle. 🤔

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So sad..

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Thank you for the link. Jesse is a miracle, I try to listen to as much as i can of her stuff. I truly believe we are in the ultimate fight of Good v. Evil and pray to our lord Jesus Christ every day. I also tear down any Pedo flag that I see. I don’t care what happens to me. We have to take a stand for Good.

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Hunt them down, and dispatch them like the rabid dogs they are... THINGS have gone WAY too far... THERE HAS TO BE CONSEQUENCES...and bull to the "Young Offenders" crap... These kids have been educated" by the worst you can imagine on TV... They KNOW most of the laws that keep them free... Get them gone like the "waste of skin" they are...

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"Progressive" friends who have since washed their hands of me have asked me "what's happened to you"? Well.. nothing has happened to me. I've merely retained a reasonable perspective from about.. oh.. 1980... 🤔

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this kind of vindictive attitude is part of the problem. some restraint is needed all the way around. looks like your fear rules your life. there is no justice without mercy. that doesn't change just because the system is messed up. yes, we need to know the details of this matter but not to be vigilante lynching mobs.

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Trouble is, "Rainy Day", what's going down is not "unacceptable": It is "intolerable." This "transgender" obscenity among too many other things is symptomatic of a civilization in collapse. An induced collapse I might add, people like Spengler and Toynbee notwithstanding. Two books that might give insight, very short at 88 and 125 pages respectively:

💣 "The Abolition of Man" by CS Lewis

💣 "A Guide for the Perplexed" by EF Schumacher

Actually you might want to finish off with

💣 "The Devil's Pleasure Palace" by Michael Walsh, even if the dumbass thinks Lee Harvey Oswald did it..

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This is why parents must stand up and get involved as members of the board of education as a trustee to combat Government overreach. This is the battle ground area in order to stop the waste of our tax dollars.

Government is to represent the majority of the population according to the "Overton Window" and not some minority fringe group like the LGBTQ++. Placing trans mental issues is not representative of parental rights. This is another huge overreach of government meddling in education and family values. The same thing has happened with firearms. Guns don't jump out of a box and kill people. People with mental health issues can use any kind of weapon to do so.

Trudeau is following a global agenda indoctrinating our children under this ideological framework of DEI. This corruption must be stopped and removed from our educational system.

If you don't know who or what your are, get help! (Not from the government, but a psychologist!)

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Trouble is you could be facing 5 years' imprisonment just for speaking out against this abomination. Look what happened to Robert Hoogland.

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Very true.

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Sadly, if the person who gets elected to the board speaks out against the narrative / agenda they get persecuted by the others on the board .... It is happening in Windsor.


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Fighting against evil is never easy or simple and generally comes with big pushback.

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The only way to fight this woke cancer is from within. The huge obstical is that the board of education took a huge chunk of of money from the government to adopt and incorporate this into the curriculum when all they had to do was say,"NO" and we don't take the money. Greed and woke language prevailed and has to be surgically removed.

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In the US a teacher was fired from teaching for not using gender terminology and reinstated because he used the childs name instead. The education board had to pay him 0.5 million, give him his job back and stike any disciplinarian language from his perrsonnal file.

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Thank you Randy for all you do for we who cannot.

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Thanks for your support, but we can and must all speak out against this danger to children and our society.

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everyone has power. learn to wield yours with truth and love.

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This is why I homeschool now. I am so sorry for this family. Pink shirt day should take on a whole new meaning this year at Glen Tay. Parents should keep their kids home that day in protest. What a farce! My prayers go to the family.

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I'm sorry, what the heck is "pink Shirt Day"?

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Public school and education have become very dangerous for children. Like you =I would be homeschooling my children these days.

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Thanks Randy for all you are doing standing up wherever you see criminality or injustice in Canada.You are a rare breed!!

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Yep…being aggressive is such a female trait. Good grief these kids are all victims and the teachers and parents are the villains.

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very true.

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I don't understand why parents don't pull their children out of the school system. I know many have... but not enough. It has to be huge! Parents need to stand up and it seems that perhaps a decline in the student attendance is the only way it is going to speak loudly enough. School boards are not listening, teachers and principals are not listening, our government isn't listening. My husband and I have been going to school board meetings in our area -- even though we don't have anyone in the school system . The board shuts everyone down who has tried to talk about it. This isn't working.

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Many parents have pulled their children from public education. I know of a number of church and co-op schools that have stared since covid. There are also many children being homeschooled no, however not all parents have the means, capacity nor ability to homeschool. Unfortunately many parents also remain unaware of the danger to their children.

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I gather “Homeschooling” is illegal in Germany…

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I do understand that many parents can't pull their kids out for different reasons, but I mean if they all stood together and "protested" by pulling them out for a week or a month or whatever amount of time they could ... it would send a loud message. Sadly, yes, not enough actually see what is happening in the school system or perhaps they choose to ignore it - maybe even just hope it passes?? I do hope all parents wake up soon and start to fight against it.

In our area, Windsor, Harvest Bible Church began Harvest Classical Academy and they also provide the space for the homeschool co-op. It is great to see!

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Pastor Aaron is doing a great job in Windsor.

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Jessie Czebotar breaks down the symbols displayed in the pride flag, from the colored stripes to the chevron. And yes, those who embrace the flag are making contracts with demons.

"Pride Flag Hung From White House Symbol of (Luciferian) Occupation" - Jessie Czebotar


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We all have a range of male and female characters, and that does not mean kids should be confused by "well meaning" idiots passing laws!

Grandma of 4

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Most school shootings are now done by trannies.

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very true.

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just because you say it's so doesn't mean it is. where is the data. a quick search suggests the opposite that the rainbow crowd are very much under attack. where is the data??

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Trannies are MK ULTRA victims, and shooters are MK ULTRA mind-controlled assassins.

"MK-Ultra asset set up by Bush to shoot Reagan speaks out"

Randy Turner was tortured by Jimmy Carter & Bush at 14


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Go get-m Mr. Hillier. These trans people need to see a psychologist, NOT a surgeon. And when they commit crimes such as assault should be in jail like anyone else.

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A psychologist can't help: the "transgender" agenda is Luciferian, and the Luciferians control the mental health industry just as they control allopathic medicine. What these kids need is someone who can introduce them to Jesus Christ--and I don't mean Catholics, Lutherans, or the other Luciferian cults.

"Darkness to Light: SRA Survivor Greg Romero with Dan Duval" https://dianabarahona.substack.com/p/darkness-to-light-sra-survivor-greg

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