We need to end no-fault divorce. This, I believe, is the chief reason why western men don't want to get "too involved" with western women. Gen Xers saw their (mostly) mothers and fathers "legally" walk away from their oaths over dissatisfaction (vanity). The net result is a polygamous culture - just like the Jews in Jesus' day. Polygamy causes much societal strife, which is why Jesus outlawed the practice. There are three grounds for divorce: adultery, cruelty, and desertion.

While we are at it, we also need to put an end to central banking and public schooling and follow God. If you asked Jesus what sort of government we should have, he would tell you that we should have a free-market theocracy; not a top-down, government-run, satanic welfare state. Tommy Douglas and his ilk were wolves in sheep's clothing; these progressive pastors preached a false, socialist gospel. Douglas was a eugenicist and a gold-gloves boxer that promoted the legalization of theft by majority vote - therefore unfit to be a pastor. I say, as the Church goes, so goes the nation.

Optimism can be found in knowing that Canada is a baptized nation. Christ's kingdom is progressive in history and lives on in the age to come. We are in a rough place for sure, but God is faithful. May He give us more faithful pastors, I pray, for Jesus' sake.

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Many of the younger crowd today have been indoctrinated to believe that they should 'do their part' for the fake climate crisis by not having children. They prefer dogs or cats but like you mention, they don't last more than 2 decades if that. I grew up like you Randy - what a world of difference. Today everyone needs their own 'space' -- a very entitled way to behave. Thanks Randy!

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The country is going to the dogs (and cats).

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A country without people, especially native born, is not a country. The population implosion is by design, thanks to the Malthusian cult that runs the planet.

Thanks for this article.

We've been talking about it on my show, found here: https://fakeologist.com/podcasts

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Government policy drives the suicide cult that benefits the world powers.

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I have only 3 aunts and uncles, and thus have only 7 1st cousins. My 2 children, 1 has twins, the other decided not to have children, as she is brainwashed by the system. I have 11 2nd cousins, but only see 7 regularly a few times per year at xmas and thanksgiving.

You are dead on, Randy. Our family values have slackened to ridiculous lows.

I grew up in a small town (Ajax) when it had a population of 500. It was great. Safe and we all knew each other.

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While people are young, I feel they tend to be selfish and opt out for undertaking things, having in life that are easier. They don’t realize the dogs will not be there forever for their entire life span. When they get older, then also they will realize, there’s no legacy, no one there for them. No one to pass on your worth. That’s the real sad part! Lonely and alone. The dogs are gone, the cars are gone, everyone may also be gone if they live a longer life than their so called friends. You rely on other people’s family and friends. Just sad!

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May 26·edited May 26

Thanks for the stats. There is a pervasive and deliberate attempt to hide from taking responsibility for wrong doings. This cultural trend started in the late 60's with the Boomers coming of age. The previous Generation had some of the Old Victorian Sensibility in them. The easiest way to actually "see" this is to observe the construction of schools built in say Toronto between 1890 and 1925. These schools are excellent examples of well built and well crafted buildings that are very much in high usage to this day. The big slide starts in the 1960's with considerably less quality in these buildings. The quality of Public Construction says a lot about the values of a Society, particularly schools since they are Public Spaces for the Local Community.

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The pollution of the earth could have been largely avoided if the moneyed psychopaths had not literally killed the inventions and inventors of free energy from 100 years ago. Our indoctrinated minds can barely comprehend the idea of using earth's magnetic fields for energy. Watch this awesome documentary. https://rumble.com/v4wxjwx-the-lost-century.html

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The doomsday brain washing accelerated now after decades of it already. We're not hiring teachers, we're hiring behavioural therapists. Listen to school committee meetings where all they discuss is intervention instead of education. They took the money and it blinds them so they march in lockstep with the agenda all the while thinking they are saviours. Mind control is a much bigger topic than I ever imagined.

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Teachers are leaving the occupation in droves. There is very little real support for them. All the problems are dumped on the Front Line such as legal liability and cognitive issues.

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Both Gayle's and your comments are true.

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Yes, I agree. There is a lot of Agenda Speak in "education". The Agenda is made up of buzz words like "equity" "diversity" "inclusion" "universal design" "differentiated instructions"... The core problem is that as soon as you try to hold anyone accountable for anything, the buzz words come up like the Berlin Wall. It is all excuses. Having said that, there are more behavioural and cognitive problems then ever before. I think we all know why.

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