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I dont believe you called, or did I miss it and you not leave a message?

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Yep great big lemons

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What influence do "free masons" have on our political system, unions, and other entities in Canada?

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I answered your question on the livestream.

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I’m born and raised in Alberta. 70 years old. I miss the good old days when the politicians and the media spoke the un-woke truth. Guess I better buy gold and silver now. The woke establishment is devoted to destroying us. Good thing we have a creator who cares. In him I trust 🙏

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“I miss the good old days when the politicians and the media spoke the un-woke truth.” ? When did that ever happen? 🙄

PS: I’m 5 years behind you at 65…

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once Trump is in he will save the planet

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The deep state is way bigger than DJT. I praise him for his efforts. In a way, he is 40 years behind in trying to bring truth to justice. I love his message and he is spot on. He actually spoke the truth 40 years ago. We have corruption in the world. Are we too far gone for recovery?

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You mean just like he promised during his first term?

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which he did

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How exactly did he do that?

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He was certainly on his way and in 4 years only so much can be done. What was accomplished was amazing and I certainly pray daily that he can continue to Bless the United States. Those who Bless Isreal will be blessed and those who curse Isreal will be cursed. Gods words, not mine. Canada is also in trouble of becoming Socialist. It is predicted and it will happen, but we have the power to delay that eventuality with our votes on both sides of the border.

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Wasn’t expecting that but you just drilled down to my gut instinct. Another smoke screen? More BS? Will change be any different? I’m completely disillusioned. I will continue to hang my canadian flag upside down. We are fubarred

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Transgender has always been based on satanism, why parents can't see that is beyond me, maybe they should read the Bible. There are demons who are part animal, part man and part woman, thats transgender for you.

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Confused and in serious need of psychiatric help!

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Not me, go look it up.

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Charlene got it right!

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James probably meant the transgender people are confused and in serious need of psychiatric help. If not, you are right, he should read God's Word.

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